Anyone who has ever lived is not known, Eczema, or even someone afflicted, know how painful it can be. There is, however, a few things you can stop immediately without medication. If you're one of millions of people there who prefer the more natural approach, try these remedies:
Use the moisture in creams. Make sure that it is natural and does not contain any alcohol, dyes, fragrance or other chemicals. Petroleum jelly is an excellent and does not pay much.
Apply cold compresses. Ice Pack works well. If you do not have one, make your own ice cubes with ziptop we offer Baggie and wrapping a towel around it.
Take the cool baths hot ones instead. Better yet, take the showers. If you are a bath in the bathroom with bathtub, less than 10 minutes in 1/1000ths of a percent of the bathing water if possible. Prolonged exposure to a limited area of the water-bath, such as the tendency to cause the spread of the water. When dry, pat areas and do not, do not wash!
Try to avoid strong soaps, bath and wash clothes, allergy-free room detergent. Detergents and SOAP, with harsh chemicals can cause a flare-ups.
Avoid itchy, wool or other fabric. Select the soft cotton or Microfiber or any fabric that does not scratch.
Try not to sweat. Sweat cause outbreaks. I know that this is difficult; If used at all or have a job with a job, it is impossible to keep from Sweating. If you start to sweat, to take the often breaks, so that the body has the opportunity to cool down.
Use a humidifier, whenever you create a heat or air conditioning. Heat and air conditioning equipment in the dry air. It is important to keep the skin moisturized.
Eat right. This is a loaded phrase, I know, but there are some nutrition experts who believe that there are some you can eat the foods that prevent the development of Eczema and also some näppylöiden food, which causes them before you start the diet to prevent the development of the näppylöidenthe first to know what kind of foods can and cannot tolerate, or, in other words that start with food and which do not cause. With that in mind the food diary should be maintained for about 6 weeks. If you have at least 2 or 3 to the development of the näppylöiden in that time, you will be able to see your own eating habits, certain patterns. As you can see that, for example, every time you eat nuts, you do breakout. This is the only example of course, but many people report that Eczema causes a näppylöiden to the development of the nuts. As well as in the case of certain milk products [1] [2]. The trick is to find out what foods cause YOUR Eczema flare up and eliminate these foods in your diet.
The thought of the development of the situation, so as to prevent the näppylöiden Wouldn't hurt to drink a few glasses or cups of tea a day. Green tea, in particular, it is recommended that you use a few health food store to prevent flare-ups.
You can go here to naturally remedy for eczema!