Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Eczema breastfed baby

Is that baby acne or eczema?

My son is 2.5 months old, I am not sure whether this is relevant to his State of the skin, but - it primarily is satisfied, although we - we live in a high Alititude - he gets Suppliment with formula once a day - we use & wash bath Johnson Johnson and shampoo we use is bathed, be baby laundry detergent, and he had a mild rash type break out on his face, when he as I thought 3 weeks old at first it was a milk skin rash or a very mild baby acne, but in the past two weeks it has become increasingly it was marked also, to spread from the face on his chest and shoulders, I wasn't really worried, but then on Friday I he seemed his face be itching where the rash was but we have an agreement with our Pediatrian noticed early in the morning to to be honest, I don't really trust our Pediatrian I would have changed Pediatrians but shortly: military family, small base, insurance, like something that every one of you experienced can tell more mothers me would be appreciated

His likely acne. My daughter was over a month old when she got there. It went in a few weeks. But it could also be that he gets a bath every day. Age baby get really dirty. They do not say topic every day to Baden, if they young cuz, the it them their oils and that they are to break from the Strip. Try bathing him every other day.

NYSDOH WIC breastfeeding healthy baby 1

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