Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cancer cure, psoriasis is healing just, you start with 100% raw paleo diet and lifestyle

Cancer and psoriasis is a pollution issue, it is a detox problem, it is a food-allergy issue, it is many questions and they all can be cured easily if you go just back the human recommended diet of nature, which is a raw paleo diet.  Stress on EASY, easy, easy.

What is a raw paleo diet? It is the original diet of people before the agriculture and cook never came about. People ate raw meat (seafood, sea food and river food), raw fruits, some raw vegetables, raw nuts, raw tubers. Our human body is designed specifically for fueled from this variety of sources. You are the food on Earth cleanest, highly nutritious, the easiest way to digest. Stuff, you without processing eat CAN.

The problem with people is today they are brainwashed and Commerce and restaurants on civilization and cook shows that they have forgotten what it is really to be human. Something like those of the "survivor" TV shows. But of course, we would choose people, where the food is much, perhaps in the proximity of the coast or the rivers where you have access to seafood, River food, as well as land animals and fruits and vegetables. Remember how easy it is, select shells on the shore and eat it. Think how easy it is spear fish or fish catch or catch crabs and shrimp. Think how easy it is to lay eggs, to receive trap animals, hundred of you fall in the forest and you wait. Life is simple, the food is fresh, the air is fresh. No worry. Hunting, collecting, cleaning, food, sleep, sex have, tell stories, play, take care of the children.

Have you ever fresh raw seafood caught? Awesome taste. Delicious. Freshly killed land animal? Lamb, beef? Super tasty and filling. Fat is good. Always see how easy it is to get a couple in season fruit ripe? These days, mangoes, Star apples are in the season, see the children fun get you... see have the innocence, you see the fun. If small children like fruit, pick more a hungry adult can learn?

Start always with raw paleo diet and lifestyle. Here you will learn the principles of true health. You start with a blank sheet of the spirit. Destroy everything, what a school, hospitals, doctors or scientists you with brainwashing. Raised as a Caveman in pre-cooking times. Until now, you get easy prey in the wet market. The life is soooo easy.

Forget your gas stove to forget your microwave, only thing is you "kill your fridge to your" meat a little more so that you go not to the everyday supermarket.

Remember no cooking, no heating, no nothing. No aperture ring, no juice production. Only your hands and your knife / spear. See your food choices naturally that is original, which means that become as it is, good taste, and how it is to be filled.

Yes, you need to eat more raw meat and raw fat per day. Not this tiny cooked parts compared with enormous cooked starch, which is a recipe for digestive disaster. So you get nutritious animal raw meat and fat in your body, and you will grow strong and good. It may seem like a bloody horror film such as Dracula, but if you are really hungry, it tastes just as good and so refreshingly stimulating.

Purified no water artificial about that filter to artificially breathe your air? Thirst RAW paleo diet food is put off. You eat a refreshing fruit, drink some coconut, drink some blood.

You have to find this all icky. If you do, you forget then, how to be human. The reason why, it is the potentially sick because you live not life, which, should a real people. You are soaked in chemicals, food chemicals, you eat dirty cooked food, you don't eat food, human food in the first place the Frankenstein's monster... now? 95% Octane imagine your car needed petrol and instead you in bunkers or adulterated petrol "on money... except", that you think that your car is running well?

You are sick, because whatever you know paradigms, opinions and "Facts", are wrong. If what you knew, and were indeed right it would be healthy. It is time to change to think. Let all your assumptions and join the raw paleo diet Forum.

The raw paleo diet Forum is not a scam. It's completely free. It's Forum that the most altruistic true healing today. There are no advertisers. There is no bias. Nothing is sacred. If it works, it works. Results is only important. You are healed and that was ' s.

The raw paleo diet-Forum is a very, very popular forum. Do you think that paleo diet in the news is popular? Consider the statistics of the raw paleo diet Forum almost 400% see more than the cooked paleo diet Forum counterpart page views.

Average online per day: 563.54
Male-female ratio: 1: 1
Average page views per day: 16,358.51

It shows that people are interested in, people read. The collective energy and wisdom of the international raw paleo diet and way of life of practitioners in a live forum. You get to choose what works for you. There are various practices of raw paleo diet and surely some of you will work.


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